Tagged: chemistry

#093: Orellanine 1

#093: Orellanine

This toxin is present in only a few mushrooms of the Cortinarius genus, so poisonings from this mushroom are relatively rare (at least recently). The two mushrooms responsible for most orellanine poisonings are Cortinarius orellanus and rubellus, commonly known as Lethal Webcaps.  These mushrooms are primarily found in Europe, but are sometimes encountered in the United States.  Closely related mushrooms that also contain orellanine are known as Fool’s Webcaps.

#091: Amatoxins 7

#091: Amatoxins

This group of poisons contains the most deadly of all mushroom toxins and accounts for the majority of deaths by mushroom poisoning (perhaps up to 95% globally). Amatoxins are found in many Amanita species (from which the group derives its name) – most notably in the Destroying Angels (Amanita virosa and relatives, see FFF#050) and in the Death Cap (Amanita phalloides, see FFF#051) – as well as in some mushrooms in the genera Galerina, Lepiota, and Conocybe.